ethics are an economic issue

  I forgot to mention in my initial post that ethics are an economic issue. If you have any doubt as to that fact then simply look at the $700 billion price tag of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act. Consider that large dollar amount as a debit in the ethical accounting system. Still don’t believe it? Have you heard that the Dearly Departed CEO of Lehman Brothers, Richard Fuld,...
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the “financial crisis” is really an ethical crisis

For my first post I wanted to excerpt an e-mail that I wrote back on September 30, 2008 because it serves as a good background for today’s post… “I am opposed to any bailout bill for a number of reasons: The crisis confronting the U.S. right now is not a financial crisis, but an ethical crisis. The ethic in question here is a total lack of self-responsibility that pervades our...
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