Meditation Tips for Investment Professionals: How to Begin

Meditation provides investors with many benefits. Below are meditation tips from the newly released Meditation Guide for Investment Professionals, the full version of which is available online for CFA Institute members. Why Meditation Is Important to Investors Meditation is a mind practice that helps develop two skills that are critical for investors: Metacognition: The awareness of awareness...
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18 December 2016 – Globe and Mail: How meditation can make you a better investor

Jason A. Voss, CFA delivered a speech about the benefits of meditation for investors to a sold out audience at CFA Society Toronto. The event is captured here by the Globe and Mail.

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Where Markets Fail: An Imperfect Discounting Mechanism

I am an avid fan of capitalism as well as a critic. While I agree that markets are generally better at discounting the future than individuals, there are inherent flaws in the markets that are difficult, if not impossible, to overcome. I point out these weaknesses because, just like with any mental model and organizing principle, knowing the weaknesses is the first step in avoiding or...
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A Behavioral Bias Cure?

My behavioral finance passion extends not just to categorizing new biases, which is rather humdrum, but in searching for and documenting actual tools to overcome them. Enter a globally recognized neuroscientist, Ulrich Kirk of the University of Southern Denmark. With his fellow researchers, Kirk has tested people’s ability to master behavioral biases and has found something remarkable:...
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Relationship Strain: The Sins of the Active Manager

Earlier this week we asked CFA Institute Financial NewsBrief readers: “What is the biggest sin for an active manager relative to its relationship to an investment consultant?” and 652 of you responded. Our goal is to bring clarity to a frequently strained relationship — that between investment consultants and active investment managers. Investment Consultant Needs On one side, you have...
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It’s Time for Principles of Non-Violent Communication

In this moment of global rancor, Marshall Rosenberg’s Principles of Non-Violent Communication are one possible navigational compass toward increased unity.

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25 October 2016: Nature’s Risks and Returns panelist

Jason Apollo Voss, CFA serves as a panelist at the event Nature’s Risks and Returns. His panel is entitled, “Systemic resilience – Adjusting forecasting practices to shifting contexts”

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