Wealth vs. income

OK, I thought I was done for the weekend, but each day for the last week as I log into my personal e-mail account there is a jackass story on MSN that I just have to comment on. The story is entitled, “Does $250,000 a year make you wealthy?” If you follow the link you actually have to search around the MSN site to find the article and ultimately you are led to:...
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gObama, round II

Yesterday President-elect Barack Obama formally announced his plans to overhaul the regulatory structure of the financial industry: “…what I said during the campaign, I meant. We are going to have to greatly strengthen our regulatory apparatus.” Hallelujah! As regular readers of the blog know I spent considerable time in my first several weeks outlining the case for what needed...
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Update from the bottom

You probably saw the stock market rally again today, yes? While it seems as if there is still likely to be bad economic news on the horizon, it seems as if the majority of that bad news has been baked into the financial markets. So I wanted to update you on my having said on November 25th that I thought a bottom had been reached 3 trading days earlier on November 20th. On November 20th, the...
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Dividends, part III

I don’t know where you are while you are reading Our Little Corner of the Internet, but the weather outside is frightful here in Santa Fe…brrrr…and there is lots of snow…and since we’ve no place to go…then let the Blog flow! OK, so I didn’t miss my calling as a poet. Before getting to the third part of the dividends post I wanted to tell you that I...
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Dividends, part II

I apologize to those of you who were expecting part II of the dividends post on Friday and it was not forthcoming. I ended up not having Internet access on Friday. So without further adieu…part deux. So now you know that dividends are definitively a good thing, yes? That begs the question, “How do you find companies that pay reliable dividends?” The first step is to become...
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Dividends, part I, addendum

Hello everyone, I hope that each of you had an excellent weekend. A quick addendum to the first posting about dividends. So I think I made a pretty good case that dividends are desirable. They are cold, hard cash return to investors. Because of that fact then you as an investor can deploy that cash in whatever fashion you so desire. However, another advantage of dividends as a source of return...
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Dividends, part I

I have decided to move a question from the comments section to the main blog because of its importance. Here we are talking about dividends, and thanks to Gary, who asked. When investing in a financial asset (e.g. stock, preferred stock, bond, money market, mutual fund, etc.) there are two ways to make money: capital gains and income. Capital gains are when the value of your investment rises in...
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