Rethinking the Risk-Free Rate: Offering Alternatives

In an earlier post, “Rethinking the Risk-Free Rate, Exploding a Fundamental Assumption,” I criticized the concept of the “risk-free rate of return” as both illogical and not reflective of reality. Although I acknowledged the logic of having a bedrock rate of return that serves as a minimum acceptable rate of return, I proposed renaming it the “lowest-available-risk expected rate of...
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Untangling the Ethics of Incentives: Interview with Ruth W. Grant

Despite an environment in which many business and financial market commentators, as well as investors, are questioning the size and structure of incentives, there is a shocking lack of new insight about their uses and abuses. In fact, many fault incentives for amplifying the global financial crisis and hindering the ongoing recovery. Enter Ruth W. Grant, professor of political science and...
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Fact File: Calculating the Illusive Size of “Mr. Market”

When it comes to explaining the equity market’s mysterious day-to-day moves, the financial media love nothing more than a convenient explanation. “Today ‘the market’ was up . . . ” or “Investors ran for the exits today . . . ” are common refrains. But what or who, exactly, is “The Market”? Which investors? What is implied, but never fully explored, is that there somehow exists...
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9 September 2012: Financial Times – Why it’s so tricky detecting a lie

Jason Apollo Voss, CFA authors a piece for the Financial Times about why it’s so tricky detecting a lie.

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27 September 2012: Jason Apollo Voss Shares Stage With Patricia Aburdene!

Three weeks from today, on 27 September 2012, I will be sharing the stage with best-selling author, and friend, Patricia Aburdene.  Specifically I will be talking about some of my favorite subjects: conscious capitalism, intuition, and meditation.  Come see me speak on the same stage that has hosted the likes of Kevin Roberts and Elizabeth Gilbert. I would love to see you there!  Details...
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Fact File: S&P 500 Sigma Events

A seemingly endless battle is waged between believers in the efficient market hypothesis, such as Eugene Fama, and believers in behavioral finance, such as Daniel Kahneman. Regardless of your perspective, an analysis of the S&P 500’s history of sigma events provides an interesting field for the battle to be waged. For example, from 3 January 1950 through 31 July 2012, the average daily...
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Lie Detection for Investment Professionals: A Summary of Lying and Deceit Behaviors

With more than 100 scholarly papers to her name, Bella DePaulo, visiting professor of psychology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, is a preeminent authority on lying and deceit behavior. In her book, The Hows and Whys of Lies, the Harvard University–trained researcher provides a thorough overview of the results of hundreds of lying and deceit behavior studies. Here is a summary of...
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